

For ordering your own bespoke Molnar Fabry time piece, you may meet us personally or call/email us if that is more convenient for you.

First, we need to understand your vision of the watch: the basic concept or idea, overall design style as well as preferred calibre and materials/gemstones. We then design a proposal according to these core requirements, with an indicative price and material alternatives if requested. We strive to adapt to each customer as much as possible, style and price-wise.

This first proposal is then fine-tuned through our mutual exchange until you are completely satisfied, and we agree on the final price. During this process, our customers are evidently welcome to visit the atelier upon appointment. Once we have your full consent on the final blueprint and price, we issue an invoice for the downpayment of 50% of the agreed price. The second downpayment is due upon the completion of your timepiece. You are naturally welcome to collect your watch at our workshop. Alternatively, we e-mail you detailed pictures of your watch in high-resolution quality and deliver it personally to you according to your availability, once the total amount is settled.

From the validated design blueprints to completion, a minimum of 300 – 800 work hours should be foreseen, sometimes even more depending on the level of watchmaking complication and amplitude of the handmade decoration (engraving, gemstone-setting).

Delivery time: Indicatively 3 to 12 months after the first down payment, depending on the particular timepiece complication and subject to our availability (position on the waiting list).

As each of our creations is a unique made-to-order watch, all prices are quoted individually.

For general sales and press enquiries, kindly contact us at or +421 905 361 364 (English and Slovakian spoken).